Thursday, September 24, 2015

Just a bunch of photos

I'm still recovering from a nasty cold (or flu, whatever it is it came from hell!) and a tough week and work but I have close to a week off thanks to Eid so that's great. I have a few posts coming up to commend on taxi and race relations in Doha and other similarly delightful topics, but in the meantime I just wanted to post a bunch of photos (mostly of the downtown and the Pearl district).

Approaching city centre from the south - you can barely see it thanks to the smog.

But up close you can barely see the smog. :)

Sunset at the City Center mall.

One a really clear day I can actually see the downtown from my roof. Did I mention how bad the smog is?

View of the Pearl from across Westbay.

City centre from the Asas Towers.

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